How to install Python on Linux?

Learn Tricking
2 min readMar 28, 2024

Before we begin explaining how to install Python3 on Linux, let’s first understand the basics of Python. Python is a popular programming language that is used for many different types of tasks. It allows you to work quickly and integrate systems more efficiently. There are two main versions of Python: Python 2 and Python 3. These two versions are quite different from each other.

Getting Started with Python

Python is easier to code and learn compared to many other programming languages. You can write Python programs using any plain text editor, such as Notepad or Notepad++. Alternatively, you can use an online Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or install one on your system. IDEs offer features like a code editor, debugger, and compiler, making it easier to write and manage Python code. To start writing Python code and performing various operations, you need to have Python installed on your system.

Check if Python already exists

Most Linux operating systems come with Python pre-installed. To check if Python is installed on your device, open the terminal using Ctrl+Alt+T and run the following command:

For Python 2:

python --version

For Python 3.x:

python3.x --version

If Python is installed, it will display a message showing the Python version that is available.

Beginning Python installation

To install Python on most Linux systems, you can use the following command:

sudo apt-get install python3.8

To begin the installation, you will be prompted to enter your password. This step is necessary to grant permission for the installation process to continue. Once you enter your password, you can proceed with the installation of Python.

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Learn Tricking

Learn programming languages like python, php, java, c++. You can also learn cyber security, ethical hacking, termux, kali linux web devep, seo and monitization.